It's A New Job.

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Category : code   employment

I graduated in December of 2023 with my Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering. As I was finishing up, I interviewed with Epic (Now mind you this wasn’t the game company and I knew that I was applying to an EHR company). After the winter holidays, and about a month longer, I was offered employment with relocation assistance to Madison, WI to work in their offices as a Windows Infrastructure Engineer. I accepted. Due to start at the beginning of March, I set to packing up not one but 2 places I called home (I still technically called my parents place home for a variety of purposes).

Many boxes, one in-state move and 24 hours of driving (spread across 2 days to not hate life) in a Uhaul later, I moved to an entirely different biome of the United States. I now live in the vicinity of Epic HQ in Verona, WI and have settled into my own place. All employees at Epic receive a closed office which may be shared with up to one other person. My office mate is much more of an early bird than I am so tends to arrive about an hour before I get in (most employees do not have a set arrival time and mostly need to be available during a set of core hours). We have a great office with a wonderful view of the landscaping outside our building which is toward the center of campus.

As part of the new hire group of March 2024, we all are attending several informational sessions which help us to get familiarized with the Epic ecosystem and set us up for success in our roles. I have enjoyed the Madison, WI area and I look forward to a successful time at Epic. Until my next infrequent update, Live Long and Prosper 🖖.

About Alex Guymon
Alex Guymon

Embedded Software, Object-Oriented Programming

Email : [email protected]

Website :

About Alex Guymon

Hi, my name is Alex Guymon. I built this site using devlopr-jekyll :D
